The Weather

30 Oct 2014


Dear students, Halloween is coming but how much do you know about it? Go and read about it on
Then, watch this trailer and write your own horror story here

Finally, leave your comment about Halloween Celebration in your country.
Enjoy your Halloween Day!


Bella Rocío Álvarez Pérez said...

Halloween is not original in my country but we celebrated.
The children are on the street asking for candy.

Unknown said...

In my city, Halloween is not as important as in other countries. Here the children walk the strees they visit the houses to ask for money or carmels

Unknown said...

In my city, Halloween is not as important as in other countries. Here the children walk the strees and they visit the houses to ask for money or carmels

Unknown said...

In my country, Halloween is not very important. Only some children go out for asking for candy.

Paola Morales Coro. said...

Hallowen is not celebrated very much in my city. Only the children amuse themselves very much going for the houses in search of candies with his friends.

Unknown said...

In my city, halloween is not celebrated as in other countries. Here, disguised children go out for asking for candy and money.

Anonymous said...

In my country, Halloween is not important but the young childrens of 5 or 6 years old go out for asking for candy and there is childrens that throw eggs in the houses.

Unknown said...

In my city people don´t usually celebrate Halloween, but some children go to the houses to ask for candies.

Unknown said...

In Lepe, Halloween is not very popular but many childrens go to the houses and said ``trick or treat´´. If they don't give him sweets, childrens trhow eggs in the houses

Unknown said...

In Lepe, Halloween is not as important as in other cities, only young childrens going out for asking candies saying "trick or treat" and if you do not give they candies, they through eggs in your house.

Unknown said...

In my country Halloween is not very important. Only young childrens going to the houses and sais "trick or treat" and if they do not give candies, they trhow eggs in the houses.

Laura Manga said...

In my country, Halloween is less important than in others countries. Children dress up and go from house to house for get candies. It's a fun day for children.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In my opinion Halloween shoudn't be celebrated in Spain, because it isn't a celebration from our culture, although kids have fun doing trick and treating.

Unknown said...

In Lepe the people didn´t use to celebrate Halloween, only little kids and the teens celebrate Halloween in partys and trhowing eggs in the houses.

Unknown said...

In my country, the children and the teenagers dress up with disguises of terrifying monsters, and they have fun going to parties and asking for candies to people. I don´t like Halloween very much because if people do not give candies to the children, they throw eggs to the houses, and there are a lot of problems during this day.

Unknown said...

In my country, Halloween is not as important as other countries. The childrens going to houses dress up like a monsters. They say "trick or treat" waiting for giving them some candies.

Unknown said...

In my country is not important as other countries like United States but we celebrate many parties and the childrends go the the houses to ask for candies

Unknown said...

Hi !

In my country is not very important halloween but now the number of people who celebrate this famous american tradition is increasing. The childs go with her friends collecting candies and sweets at stranges homes.

Unknown said...

in my country, Halloween is a night where the children go to houses of people dressed as ghosts or monsters. They say 'trick or treat "for receive candy and sweets.

Unknown said...

In my country, Halloween is not important as other countries. The childrens going to houses dressed up like monster for asking for candies to people and the teens organised parties and throw eggs to the houses

Unknown said...


In my country, Halloween is not as important as other countries. Only the childrens celebrate Halloween, and they go to the houses dressed up like monsters and they ask for the candies saying 'trick or treat'.

Unknown said...

Halloween in my country not is very important, but we celebrate

Unknown said...

In my country, Halloween is only for young children. They usually dress up like monsters and go to houses to ask for candies.
So, it is not an important celebration for us.

Unknown said...

Hi !
In my country Halloween is not very important , but many children celebrate and some children do a little party with her friends

Unknown said...

In my country is not as important as other countries.
It is only for children, they dress up and they walk on the streets with his friends, they go to houses and say "trick or treat" and they ask for candies.

Unknown said...

In my country halloween is a party organized by the schools and the young childrens go to houses of his friends to get candys.
By Alberto Ranchal Zaya 4ºB

Unknown said...

In my town halloween is not important if the children go to houses asking for candy for fun.

Unknown said...

I think that Halloween in my country is not an important party and it is celebrated badly. In Spain Halloween is for the young people, to do parties.

Unknown said...

In my city, Halloween is not very important because it is not a celebration from our culture. Many children dress up, go to the houses saying "trick or treat" and they get candies but if people do not give candies, they throw eggs to the houses.
It is a fun day for children.

Unknown said...

In my country halloween is not very important a few childrens dress up this night and collect same candys.