Dear students, each year, the official celebration of Columbus
Day is on October 12th. Columbus Day began in 1792 to honor the life
of Christopher Columbus and his landing in America..But... how much do you really know about Christopher Columbus?
a. Complete this WebQuest to sail on your expedition across the Web.
b. Use the worksheet to record your answers.
c. Leave your comment underneath.
the story about Christopher Columbus is very interesting
the story of this man is very interesting because he discovered America and the text tells the life of Cristobal Colon
The story is fantastic and very interesting. For me Christopher Columbus was a great navigator. He was a brave man and figther.
In my opinión, the reading of Christopher Columbus is very interesting and it informs us about history of Spain
The history of Christopher Columbus is great. This man is very important for the spanish people, because, he discovered America.
I think Christoper Columbus is very important because he discovered America, so he is one of the most important people in the history.
I think Christopher Colombus is very important in the spanish history because he discovered America and he was a very good sailor
I think Columbus was a man very important. He was who discovered America and he is considered the best navigator and cartographer of his time.
Hi! I think the history is interesting because is about christopher columbus and he's very important for the spanish story because he discovered the american continent.
Chistofer Colombus was a very important person because he discovered America
By: Alberto Ranchal Zaya 4ºb
I think that Christopher Colombus had a life very interesting because he was a very important sailor and I think that he is the most important sailor at the moment. I like this types of ativities because I learn a lot and I have discovered new things that I never knew about Columbus.
The history to Christopher Columbus, for me, is amazing. He is a very important men in the world.
I think that Christopher columbus was a good sailor, and his history is very interesting and important ,because this man discovered american continent.
María José Ayala 4°B
I think the history of Christopher Columbus is very interesting because he discovered the continent of America
I think Christopher Columbus' life was very interesting and all his voyages are very important for us.
Christopher Columbus is famous because he dicovered America thinking that it was India, and that is why I think he was an important man.
I think that Christopher Columbus is a very important person in the history because he discovered America, and I also think that this type of activities are very interesting because we learn many new things with them.
In my opinion, Cristopher Columbus is a very important person for the history of the spanish people, and more in Huelva. The life of Columbus was very interesting.
I think that the history of Cristopher Columbus is very interesting and his life is very interesting too, because he was a important sailor and he discovered America.
Today, he is known in all the world.
Laura Carrasco 4°A
I think the text about Cristopher Columbus is very interesting because it talks about history, and I like this.
He discovered America, so he is very important in the history.
Elena Barbosa Moreno 4ºA
In my opinion the text is very interesting because it is about Cristopher Columbus and how he discovered America and it is so important
In my opinion, Christopher Columbus is very important for the world, and overcoat for Spain, because he discovered America. This activities are very important because we can learn more over our past.
Daniel Revuelta Gey 4ºA
Hello, I think it's very interesting text because colon Who discovered América.
He is a very inportant person in Spain
Hi everyone!!!
This history about christopher columbus is very amazing because he discovered the new world ,but the homework about this men is boring and long
Hello !
In my opinion Christopher Columbus is the most important sailor in the history , he discovered a new continent America so he is important person in the history
I think that Christopher Colombus was a very important man in the history because he discovered America and he was known as the best sailor of that time. I like this type of activities because they are interesting and we know better the most important historic facts.
the story in my opinion it very intersting. I learnd a lot
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